For the Best Yoga classes in Harrogate. Harrogate Yoga classes.

Yoga classes with James
James has lived and studied in India for 5 years and has trained with over 50 different teachers in India, Sri Lanka, Nepal and the UK. He has over 800 hours of teacher training experience and is a qualified Sivananda Hatha Yoga, Astanga Yoga, and Pilates teacher.
He teaches a combination of Hatha Yoga and Vinyasa Flow Yoga and brings Astanga elements into the class. He has studied Tantra Yoga in India and works with the Chakras in the Thursday evening Chakra Flow class.
Beginners Hatha Yoga
For those new to Yoga. A slower paced class paying close attention to alignment and breathing forming the foundation of your yoga practise.
Hatha Flow Yoga
A class encompassing all elements of Hatha yoga with some flow specifically with the sun salutation. It has many benefits including improvement of strength, flexibility, relaxation and the stillness of mind. It is suitable for all levels.
Vinyasa Yoga
On a Wednesday night James teaches a Vinyasa Flow class. This class is more challenging including Vinyasa and Astanga yoga elements with more hands on adjustments. Suitable for those with yoga experience and for those who are looking to develop their practise.
Chakra Flow Yoga
Based on Hatha Flow Yoga where the chakras (subtle energy centres) are brought to the students attention. The class is a flow class with some strong pranayama and other music and mantra meditations. It is suitable for all levels and for those looking to go deeper into their yoga practise.

Yoga classes with Anne-Marie
Anne-Marie trained with the world famous Chopra Centre for Wellbeing California, founded by Deepak Chopra.
The Seven Spiritual Laws of Yoga
The SSLY brings spirituality back to the heart of Yoga. Classes cover a wide range of techniques and approaches, including Pranayama – breathing exercises, strength, flexibility and balance postures and meditation techniques. Anne-Marie is trained by the Chopra Centre for Wellbeing founded by Deepak Chopra. The Chopra Centre are world leaders in mind body medicine and for teaching the daily practices of yoga, meditation and Ayurveda
Beginners Hatha Yoga
A slower paced hatha yoga class, suitable for all but especially beginners
Restorative Yoga
A deeply relaxing, meditative class that restores the body and through the deep relaxation paradoxically it helps energise and heal the body and is followed with Yoga Nidra.
Yoga Nidra
Nidra means sleep this is the state we enter between wakefulness and sleep, when profound relaxation, release of chronic stress and deep transformation can occur. It has been used by the yogis for 1,000’s of years and is now being used by psychotherapists and clinical hypnotherapists for a range of illnesses such as heart disease, cancer, and other conditions such as PTSD, stress, depression, chronic pain, pregnancy.
The only other time we can reach this state is during non dreaming sleep, and it is in this state we are able to create profound transformation as the mind is at its most receptive.
Anne-Marie is an experienced yoga Nidra teacher and now teaches the practice intuitively dependent on the needs of the students.
Please note as this is a form of Yoga hypnosis it is important that you practice with a well qualified teacher in a safe and supportive environment.
For more details about the benefits and power of yoga Nidra please see the article
Face Yoga and Sudarshan Kriya Breath Meditation
Anne-Marie has developed this unique, bespoke practice, having taught hundreds of people meditation and finding that students very often struggle to sit to meditate.
However if the medtiation begins with the Face yoga exercises and yoga eye exercises , breathing techniques, crystals and essential oils to enhance and deepen the practice then we find its easier to transition into meditation
Face yoga is not only an extremely effective natural face lift, but it is also very helpful for issues such as migraines, eye strain, dental or facial surgery, depression and an anxious mind.
The Sudarshan Kriya is a breathing practice devised by Sri Sri Ravi Sankara the head of the Art of Living Foundation in India, Anne-Marie, James and Chris have been trained in this practice by the Art of Living Foundation
Different breathing practices are followed using the mantra of So Hum, this is the mantra Anne-Marie has been trained to use this mantra by the Chopra Centre founded by Deepak Chopra you can read more about the Sudarshan Kriya as it is recommended above all other breathing practices by James Nestor, the science journalist in his renowned book book “Breath”, see the video below
Yin Yoga
A relaxing stretch class where poses are held for 3minutes or more allowing us to move beyond purely muscular stretching but into connective tissue and into tendons and ligaments which also have some ability to release

Beginners and Gravity Yoga with Richard
Richard is both a qualified Yoga Teacher and Pilates teacher. Richard teaches a beginners yoga class on Tuesday evening and Gravity Yoga on a Friday evening. Gravity Yoga is a Flexibility & Mobility targeted Class, (there’s no spiritual aspect in a Gravity Yoga class!) this class is designed to supplement your current exercise routine rather than replace it. The beginners yoga class is perfect for those new to yoga looking to develop their practice.

Flow Yoga with Sam
Sam started practicing Yoga over 13 years ago. She teaches the more active flow class on Saturday morning at the Centre suitable for all levels.
Flow Yoga
Flow Yoga is an eclectic mix of three styles of yoga: Dynamic Hatha for Alignment, Sivananda Yoga for Subtle Mind and Breath work and Astanga Vinyasa for Heat, flexibility and stamina. It is an excellent class suitable for all levels